Author: varun


Prepare Your Online Store for High-Traffic Seasons

Based on our years of experience in e-commerce, and looking at the trends, we’ve discovered a few important steps all e-commerce site owners should take care of to prepare for these busy seasons.


5 Step Guide to Monitoring Microservices

The need for microservices can be summed up in just one word: speed. The need to deliver more functionality and reliability faster has revolutionized the way developers create software. And hence, monitoring microservices are important


Off-Shelf To Checkout: Handling the Changes in Retail Industry

If an ecommerce store is willing and able to adapt to changing market circumstances, they will succeed in accumulating far greater profits than a firm that focuses its business strategies on rehashing the great ideas of the past.

8 Ways to Make Your Content More Accessible

8 Ways to Make Your Content More Accessible

Accessibility goes well beyond the code and color scheme of your website. Accessibility applies to every aspect of your site, including one of the most important parts: your content. Using accessibility best practices can improve your site in many ways.

How to sell on Amazon FBA

How to sell on Amazon FBA?

Fulfillment by Amazon which means Amazon will store your products in the Amazon inventory, fulfill your orders, and offer customer service. If you want to use the Amazon FBA service, you have to create an Amazon seller account and add FBA to your account.

Do We Have to Use Analytical Tools For Shopify Stores

Do We Have to Use Analytical Tools For Shopify Stores

Have you ever wondered, if there might be something you could do better like, understanding your customer’s interests and behavior, or knowing what are the hidden patterns/reasons in sales?