Things your website might be missing

Having a website is always advisable for businesses, organisations, entrepreneurs, etc. A website has it’s own huge advantages. It enables users/clients to learn about your business. It also enables your clients or users to connect with you, on any device from anywhere. While quality designers may have a different strategy for building a website, they do have a common checklist. Websites play a important role in doubling or tripling revenues of lots of businesses, but it should also be noted that several companies do not really benefit from it. There might be a lot of reasons but one of the most important one is website incompleteness. If you’re a business owner and if your visitors aren’t turning into customers, here’s a small checklist of things your website might be missing.

Clear Navigation

Easy navigation should be given the up most importance in designing a website. While a trendy and flashy design is important, it’s ineffective when the website does not have a clear navigation. Navigation is important because it will help in assisting the visitor in finding the required information. Make sure that all the important content on the website are easily accessible by the visitor. Clear navigation is one of the things your website might be missing.


Gone are the days when customers use their mobile phones only to make a call or send a message. More than 60% of searches take place on a mobile screen. Such is the growth of mobile devices. Your existing website might not look good on a tiny mobile screen mainly because of the difference in screen sizes.

A lot of companies, used to create and maintain two different versions of their website – for desktop users and for mobile users. But, with responsiveness, websites will easily adjust to any screen size and provide the same content.

Call To Action

It may sound silly but bringing visitors to the website is not enough. You must tell the users what to do next. Call to action button can direct users, get them to take a desired action, improve your conversion rates, and as a result, help your website achieve it’s objective.

Initially, determine what your website is supposed to do. Then, implement your CTA so that the desired action is obvious and lead users to it. Design elements such as colour, contrast and spacing/padding can help in conversion.

For example, if you’re selling a book on your website, add a CTA to redirect to the product page or to download a free sample of the book.


A footer is the final section of a website and it is mostly ignored by business owners or website owners. You can use the footer section to display a wealth of information without compromising on the overall design and user experience. Since it is the final section of a website, it is sensible to add business addresses or contact information too.

Add relevant links such as blog posts or services pages for easy navigation. Footer can also be used to display social media links or social media updates. If you intend to have a newsletter sign up form, footer will be a logical place for it.


Now a days. reviews and testimonials are not an option. They are mandatory. Reviews and testimonials will help your new visitors or potentials clients or customers to know a little about you. Since, word of mouth marketing is still effective, good and encouraging words from your previous clients will be extremely useful in enhancing credibility.

Final Word

Find out whether your current website is incomplete. If your website misses the elements you read above, it is indeed incomplete. Do not worry if you’re in over your head at work, get in touch with us and find out how we can help you.