Category: General

8 Ways to Make Your Content More Accessible

8 Ways to Make Your Content More Accessible

Accessibility goes well beyond the code and color scheme of your website. Accessibility applies to every aspect of your site, including one of the most important parts: your content. Using accessibility best practices can improve your site in many ways.

Do We Have to Use Analytical Tools For Shopify Stores

Do We Have to Use Analytical Tools For Shopify Stores

Have you ever wondered, if there might be something you could do better like, understanding your customer’s interests and behavior, or knowing what are the hidden patterns/reasons in sales?


Mobile First Strategy

Mobile first strategy is a design trend where designing a website for smartphones, tablets and mobile devices takes priority over desktop web design. With a


Things your website might be missing

Having a website is always advisable for businesses, organisations, entrepreneurs, etc. A website has it’s own huge advantages. It enables users/clients to learn about your


5 reasons why Outsourcing is good

As per definition, outsourcing is the “strategic use of external resources to perform tasks normally handled by an in-house team and resource.” In other words,


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Welcome to our blog. This will be one of our primary channels to share information, insights and also interesting posts on technology and how it